Saturday, March 22, 2008

Shamelessly aimless..true spirit of a holiday

One thing I succeed in unfailingly.
Plans for room-cleaning, sheet organising, trying my hand in the kitchen.. all take a nice comfortable backseat once the holiday actually comes. A computer in the room, a book in my hand, some source of music.. why bother about anything else?
Since this is not about anything in particular, i might as well talk about spelling mistakes.
Insanely silly ones I find a final year student of a professional course making- bacement.
An entire slide show with each slide containing the word isle, which is supposed to mean a passageway between sections of seats, as in a church.
I recently however made the most glorious spelling mistake in the galaxy. While taking down notes on requirements of a living room- Seating area, circulation, a TW... TW! Had I written 'teevee' it could be more forgivable. This is one spelling mistake which if anyone beats in a million years, I have promised my friend I would eat her orange bag with the attached numerous keychains.

I repeat-nothing significant.

I have finally resorted to blogging. Why I really cannot say. The result of an long,not so patient wait for life to take an exciting turn of events?
Really, just when you think-'Life cannot get more boring', it suddenly does. The phases of thinking ' Life is good after all' are after all just phases. These rush past like a gust of strong wind leaving you back in square one so speedily that you wonder why it took the trouble to make an entry.
Life has been steadily uneventful. Unless you count the latest 'projects' at college as events.Day after day of aligning and fixing sheets, formatting them,and starting to draft with an eye on the watch whose second hand has to traverse 360 x 3 degrees (and in one case, x 4)for the class to get over.Though drafting sometimes seems infinitely more interesting when compared to a class which involves cutting shapes on paper to make icosohedrons and pouring POP into crude moulds.3 hours again. Why.